hello everyone,
i am starting this back up primarily because it's a good way for me to stay diligent about writing my dreams down. when i am writing them down on a regular basis i find it much easier to remember details (quality/quantity) about them. it's also amazing what you can notice about dreams after having somewhat forgotten about them, then going back and rereading them, i.e. common themes, symbols, moods, or images that appear and reappear and are obvious in retrospect but that you don't notice the first time. i also miss reading everyone else's blogs, now that we are all scattered across the country/world, these are a good way to stay more in touch with each other beyond what you can get from a status update. anyways, night one:
i was at some sort of sleepaway camp, similar vibe to church camp. i got in the cabin and saw that the nicest, most comfortable, non-bunk bed was still available. i looked around and threw my stuff on it as if to say "all right, if no one wants it..."
at one point i was on land near sort of harbor. there were some kids swimming (two boys and a girl) and chasing each other further out into the water. we were all part of a larger group. eventually i lost sight of the kids but it didn't concern me very much, especially since there was a large manmade concrete building planted about 100 feet off shore they seemed to be heading towards. later i saw the two boys without the girl, but since they didn't seem panicked i figured everything was probably ok, that the girl hadn't drowned, etc. an older man and i were also trying to get something done, i don't remember what. he got in the water at one point and pulled a bike out and handed it to me - i don't remember if it was my bike, or someone's, but it was definitely not just a random bike pulled out by chance.
i was in my [parents'] house in coppell [texas], but the dream must have also taken place on the french riviera, because i was trying to get a day trip to hyeres together. i wanted [my sister] lindsey to go and a couple of other people. the dream had nothing to do with the camp from above, but i remember that i wanted to take a few other people who had also been at it, now that the camp was over but we were all still within driving distance to hyeres. i was pretty frustrated because it was getting late in the day and no one seemed like they were making much of an effort to go in a timely manner, if at all. lindsey was just watching tv, and i begged her to please hurry up, since as it was we hadn't left yet and the sun would only be out a few more hours. i got a call from my friend julian's mom, which showed up on my caller id as "caroline" (i have no idea if this is her real name or not). she said she noticed i had contacted her over 30 times looking for help planning this trip, which was unusual, so she was calling just one final time to see if there was anything else i needed. i replied that, yes, now that i thought of it, i had no idea how to get to hyeres, so if she could give me directions, that would be fantastic. she agreed to do so, but demanded i watch a few youtube videos that she found hilarious first. i wasn't too thrilled but agreed, since lindsey still wasn't ready and the other two people we were waiting on weren't even there yet. i watched one where the funny/viral-worthy part of the video was that a woman got caught looking up information about condoms on her laptop in a mall food court, which to me wasn't that funny or viral-worthy at all. i just wanted to get the directions and leave. i humored her though, and pulled up the second one, which started with the same woman in the same food court, but zoomed out. the camera was moving backwards, almost at ground level between the seats, with first kids running/skating by, and then a group of large men running/marching by in processional form. the whole thing looked staged to me but i didn't want to waste anymore time on this video, so i decided not to mention it.