Sunday, April 10, 2011


i was on my way out to a party and somehow ended up [my best friend from childhood] andrew's wedding instead. i walked in late, i think during the reception, and dressed in a hoodie and jeans. he and his family still seemed happy to see me though. i was tearing up throughout the entire thing, thinking about how we spent our childhoods together and now here he was, getting married. nimai was DJing playing a teen inc. song. the reception took place in what seemed like a very ornate lobby, where everything had a rosy glow.

i was hanging out with andrew, jason, and some other dudes, on the side of a building. it started to rain on us, but luckily just down a bit onto a larger field it was warm and sunny. i laid down there against a tree and was listening to the audio of some video about some historical topic or other. it was interesting and i tried to transcribe it as the narrator spoke, but it was difficult to keep up with the pace of his words. after that i got on a bus which turned out to be a bus tour of brooklyn, which drove not only through streets but also through buildings and even the narrow passages in the gift shops. i was certain that the driver was going to destroy parts of the buildings we drove through, but he navigated the bus with ultimate precision, always a fraction of an inch away from hitting something but never actually touching anything.

i again in a room with a bunch of other dudes, somehow being instructed on something. from time to time we (the dudes in the room) had to go a few miles away to another spot near the building we were in, and to get directions to it one had to do something on a computer. i held down the d+m keys at the same time which played two notes an octave apart, but there was a lot of hiss and white noise that played at the same time. my mom was there and was frustrated with this, an inefficient method of getting directions to this second place. she opened the drapes to show the landscape, and simply pointed to the second building. the drapes she pulled back revealed two adjacent wall-sized windows, so that 180 degrees were overlooking the area below. it was in texas, possibly deep southwest texas by the look of it. the building she was pointing to was a bit more towards the north, but straight ahead to the west was what looked like a capitol building, with the six flags of texas out front at equal heights. the valley below was lit by houses and streetlights, but most of what was visible was lush palm type trees with deep green leaves which looked stunning in the sunset, which was orange and purple, in its last few minutes before it sets completely. i hoped that aliens would land at that moment, or that someone from the past would travel forward in time to the exact room i was in, so they could see how beautiful it was at this time and place and experience what i (and sometimes, other people) got to experience. it felt like either the distant future or the atlantean utopian past.

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